Iain MacVay
International Trade Law Specialist
Working with trade associations and companies, governments and international organisations on trade and investment law and policy for 30 years, including work with trade and investment agreements such as:
Helping clients to actively engage with trade negotiators to incorporate effective language in trade agreements.
Managing the conduct of trade disputes using a variety of strategies from informal dialogue, engagement of formal diplomatic channels, use of structures in trade and investment agreements and, where necessary, formal dispute settlement, including one of the few cases under the Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Agreement (MPIA).
Advising clients on:
international trade strategies
international trade rules
Working with clients on trade challenges such as:
indirect tax discrimination
illegal tariffs and border tax adjustments
unfair regulation
eg. restrictions on trade or services where less trade restrictive measures are available
illegal local investment or performance requirements
other international trade challenges and opportunities.
Conducting investigations and other matters including:
investment measures.
Understanding different sectors:
Professional experience: